Five Benefits Of Dog Ownership That May Contribute To A Longer Life.

Five Benefits Of Dog Ownership That May Contribute To A Longer Life.

Five Benefits Of Dog Ownership That May Contribute To A Longer Life.

5 ways owning a dog can help you live longer: Dogs are remarkable beings that enrich human lives through their unwavering love and loyalty. A study conducted in Sweden in 2019 highlighted that dog owners experience enhanced physical activity and social support, which can contribute to a reduced mortality risk. The American Heart Association indicates that being a dog owner can positively impact cardiovascular health.

1. Decreased mortality risk
Owning a dog may lead to a longer lifespan due to the physical and mental health advantages associated with pet ownership. Dog owners are less likely to experience loneliness compared to those living alone. Research published in the American Heart Association journal revealed that dog owners have a 24% lower risk of mortality.

2. Enhanced cardiovascular health
It is suggested that dog owners maintain lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, as interacting with a dog can help reduce blood pressure and heart rate, promoting slower breathing and muscle relaxation. A study featured in the journal Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes found that heart attack survivors who lived alone had a 33% lower risk of death in the year following their heart attack if they owned a dog, compared to those without dogs.

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3. Alleviated stress
Caring for a dog can be a fulfilling experience, leading to the release of positive hormones such as oxytocin, serotonin, and dopamine, which enhance mood and decrease cortisol levels, thereby reducing stress. According to a 2022 survey by the American Heart Association, 95% of pet owners depend on their pets for stress relief.

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4. Increased physical activity
Dog owners are more likely to engage in regular walks with their pets, resulting in greater physical activity. A study from the UK indicated that dog owners accumulate an additional 150 minutes of exercise per week compared to non-dog owners, aiding in weight management, blood sugar regulation, and lowering the risk of type 2 diabetes.

5. Enhanced social engagement
Having a dog can alleviate feelings of loneliness and isolation, providing opportunities for interaction with the pet. Dogs also offer humans a sense of purpose and foster feelings of love and companionship. This enhances the capacity to manage anxiety and depression.

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